Christmas Market in Koblenz

Grafik zum Koblenzer Weihnachtsmarkt mit Darstellung der Altstadt und diversen Sehenswürdigkeiten in Koblenz © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH
22.11.24 - 05.01.25

For six weeks, Koblenz's Altstadt is transformed into a wintery sea of Christmas lights.Opening times

Christmas Garden

The Ehrenbreitstein Fortress shows off a special light and sound experience.
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Koblenz Christmas Market 2024
Couple drinking mulled wine at Koblenz Christmas market © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Enjoy the Christmas atmosphere on Seven Squares of the Historic Altstadt

Zur Adventszeit verwandelt sich die Römerstadt alljährlich in ein stimmungsvolles Vorweihnachtsparadies: Der Duft von frisch gerösteten Mandeln, Glühwein und Lebkuchen zieht durch die Straßen.

Auf dem Kunsthandwerkermarkt laden zahlreiche Stände mit handgefertigten Einzelstücken zur gemütlichen Geschenkesuche ein. 

Durch die festlich geschmückte Innenstadt schlendern Sie ganz entspannt von einem Lieblingsplatz zum nächsten. Ein ganz besonders besinnlicher Anblick erwartet Sie auf dem Jesuitenplatz. Dort finden Sie den größten Adventskalender der Stadt, zusammengesetzt aus den bunt erleuchteten Dachgauben des barocken Rathauses.

Entdecken Sie die Plätze des Koblenzer Weihnachtsmarkts:

The Christmas Market on 6 Town Squares
The square in the heart of Koblenz's old town received its name from the Jesuit community, which worked on this site from 1580 to 1773. The Jesuits took over a Cistercian convent founded in the 13th century and rebuilt it.
Koblenz Christmas Market at Jesuitenplatz © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Am Plan
The square "Am Plan" was formerly used as a market, tournament and event square.  Originally laid out in the Baroque style, the square was eventually modernized by Elector Clemens Wenzeslaus of Saxony, who also had the Koblenz Castle built. The square got its name "Am Plan" because it was the first square in Koblenz to be paved "plan" (level).
Koblenz Christmas Market at the town square"am Plan" © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
The area of today's Görresplatz in Koblenz's old town--as proven by archaeological finds--was already settled by the Romans. In the Middle Ages, it belonged to the property of the Kastorstift and later to the Jesuit order. In the 19th century, it was gradually built on and became municipal property. From 1827 to 1872, the publishing house of Carl Baedeker, who became famous for his travel guides, was located at Görresplatz.
Koblenz Christmas Market at Görresplatz © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
The Münzplatz is located in the old town of Koblenz and its name refers to the former electoral mint. The coins of the electors of Trier were minted in Koblenz since the middle of the 11th century with few interruptions. In the 15th century, Koblenz even became the prince-bishop's main mint, replacing Trier.
Koblenz Christmas Market at the town square "Münzplatz" © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Willi-Hörter-Platz / Rathaushof
On Willi-Hörter-Platz, today the town hall courtyard, is the famous Schängelbrunnen fountain. The Schängelbrunnen, surrounded by the Renaissance and Baroque buildings of the Jesuit ensemble, is a landmark of the city of Koblenz. 
Koblenz Christmas Market at Willi-Hörter-Platz / Rathaushof © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
The Zentralplatz was first built during the reconstruction of Koblenz after the second World War and is, therefore, not a historical square like the others in the old town. In addition to the Forum Mittelrhein, one of the most modern shopping centers in the region, art and culture have also found a new home here within the Forum Confluentes.
Koblenz Christmas Market at the town square "Zentralplatz" © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Woman in winter sweater woodworking © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Decorated arch with word "Sternenmarkt" © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Children ride a miniature train at the Koblenz Christmas Market © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Man on stage telling Christmas stories to audience © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Two people speaking with each other at the Koblenz Christmas Market © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
The Jesuitenplatz in the heart of Koblenz Altstadt is the starting point for many Christmas market strolls. Surrounded by beautiful half-timbered houses, there is a wide range of Christmas goods to discover here. Unique Christmas tree decorations, traditional candle arches, Christmas pyramids, smokers, nutcrackers, stollen, honey, Herrnhut stars, hats and scented oils - there is always a suitable Christmas gift to be found here.
At Jesuitenplatz, it is also worth taking a look upwards. The city's largest Advent calendar lights up in 24 dormer windows on the baroque town hall roof. Near the Citykirche church, visitors will also find the charity house, where clubs and organizations offer information and lots of homemade items every day in order to raise donations and find supporters for a good cause.
Koblenz Christmas market on the Jesuitenplatz © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Am Plan
Am Plan the Koblenz Christmas market was held for the first time over 40 years ago. Today, the beautiful pyramid in the middle of the historic square with its cozy little booths still invites visitors to drink mulled wine together. On weekends, a saxophonist regularly entertains visitors with iconic Christmas pop.
Shopping fans will also find am Plan the finest Indian scarves, various decorative items and dog cookies. Meanwhile, the little visitors to the Christmas market can take a spin on the children's carousel. After the Christmas market visit, the varied Koblenz gastronomy Am Plan invites you to a cozy end of the evening.
Koblenz Christmas market on the square "am Plan" © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Since 2017, the youngest of the 7 Christmas market squares has also been part of the action. Surrounded by festively illuminated buildings, an idyllic little Christmas village is created at Görresplatz. Things are a little more cozy here, which is why the square is particularly popular with families with small children. A small train makes its tranquil rounds through the Christmas forest around the historical column. In addition to confectionery, exquisite culinary products, wines from the region and woolen, decorative and olive wood items, visitors can also find the finest mulled wine from winegrowers at Görresplatz. In the cozy, heated seating huts on site, you can spend relaxing hours even in wintry temperatures. Görresplatz also hosts the sounding Advent calendar every evening from the beginning of December. Various choirs entertain the audience with Christmas songs. On the 1st & 2nd weekend of Advent, the inclusive Christmas market also opens its doors at Görresplatz. On these days, several Christmas stalls will be selling Advent items, handicrafts and handmade products from workshops for the disabled.
Koblenz Christmas market on the Görresplatz © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
At Münzplatz, visitors* can throw themselves fully into the Christmas hustle and bustle, because there is always something going on at the largest square of the Koblenz Christmas market. The Christmas mill and the coin barn on site are a popular meeting place for young people, who toast here with mulled wine, mulled beer and co. Apple pancakes, Baumstriezel, vegetarian vegetable skillet, fresh potato chips or Flammlachs - with the culinary offerings at Münzplatz, there is something for everyone. Those looking for special Christmas gifts can browse to their heart's content among the finest leather goods, delicious schnapps and liqueurs, hams and cheeses, olive wood products and handcrafted glass items. Younger guests will also get their money's worth with a ride on the children's carousel.
Two visitors of Koblenz Christmas market look at handmade articles © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
Willi-Hörter-Platz / City Hall Courtyard
At the entrance to the historic Koblenz town hall, between the large plane tree and the Schängelbrunnen, the beautifully illuminated "SchaEngelbar" awaits its visitors with a large selection of white and red wine mulled wines. In a relaxed atmosphere, (mulled) wine lovers can sample the wide range of wines on offer and enjoy delicious sweets and freshly roasted almonds to match.Opposite the "SchaEngelbar" is the entrance to the town hall courtyard, where the festive nativity scene is set up amidst atmospheric lighting. Anyone who wants to escape the Christmas hustle and bustle for a moment should definitely pay a visit to the town hall courtyard and enjoy the contemplative atmosphere on site.
Koblenz Christmas market on the town hall square with the Schängelbrunnen in the foreground © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
If you want to make a stop at the Christmas market while shopping for presents or want to ring in the evening there, Zentralplatz is the place to go. Located right next to the Forum, the Christmas market at Zentralplatz invites you to discover all kinds of delicious and beautiful things - from classic crêpes, handmade knitwear and Christmas tablecloths to filigree, glass writing articles. In contrast to the modern buildings on site, a 70-year-old giant wooden wheel makes its leisurely rounds between the blue and red huts. Magnificently illuminated Christmas trees, one real, the other a futuristic metal construction, set the square in the right light. Visitors can also find a wide range of regional specialties, souvenirs and gifts in the tourist information office at "Forum Confluentes".
Koblenz Christmas market on the Zentralplatz © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Henry Tornow
The square at Liebfrauenkirche is the smallest at the Koblenz Christmas market and therefore particularly cozy and worth a visit. In the shade of the onion domes, visitors can enjoy a delicious Feuerzangenbowle while watching the local artisans craft fine gifts from wood and mammoth ivory.On weekends, the original Koblenz artist Manfred Gniffke and his son Michael entertain the spectators at Liebfrauenkirche with the telling of the Christmas story and Christmas carols in Koblenz dialect. With a little luck, you will also meet Santa Claus, who will be handing out sweets to the youngest visitors on the weekends and will be available for selfie requests.
People talk, eat and drink in front of decorated and snow-covered stands on the forecourt of the Liebfrauenkirche in Koblenz © Koblenz-Touristik GmbH, Gauls
Christmas Garden
More magical than ever!
Christmas Garden on the Festung Ehrenbreitstein
A perfect day in Koblenz naturally includes a detour to the Deutsches Eck.
From there, the Seilbahn starts high up to the cultural center Festung Ehrenbreitstein, because here the Christmas light and sound installation "Christmas Garden" beckons as one of the event highlights in Koblenz at Christmas time.More information
Fortress grounds illuminated for Christmas © Christmas Garden, Michael Clemens